Limitless Leadership: Improving Mental Health By Silencing The L.I.E.s and B.S.

We need to blow up the current paradigm of leadership. HR is the solution and it's time to lead. To lead greatly you must live greatly. Participants will be able to; identify and analyze how your limiting beliefs and negative self-image affect your leadership potential, understand the relationship between your emotions, thoughts, values, and behaviors, and be prepared to practice self-care techniques to reduce stress and burnout and become the leader your organization needs you to be. Most people have suffered childhood wounds that we have hid, suppressed, or denied. Some of them are subconscious. All of them block us from becoming who we are meant to be. This presentation will help us come face to face with the LIEs we tell ourselves. The limited ideas entertained. The stories we tell ourselves about who we are that hold us back from who we are meant to be. This presentation isn't for everyone. You will have to take a risk and come face to face with your inner critic. The voice inside your head that doubts you, judges you, belittles you, and tells you that you aren't good enough. But the LIEs aren't true. We are going to replace the LIEs with what is true about you. You are worthy, and You are more than enough.

Basic Course Information

Learning Objectives
Major Subjects