The Future of Work: How do we lead and thrive in a Workquake? - HR Unboxed - VOD Bundle

The world of work today has never been more complex, challenging, or frustrating for both employers and employees. Turnover is rising around the world and so is employee disengagement. Many organizations find themselves challenged not only with recruiting and retention but also with the best way for people to do work as we grapple with things like remote work and hybrid teams. So much of how we operate today was built for a different pace of change and a slower rate of production. However, we also face the greatest moment in history to rebuild the future of work. The readiness for change has never been greater.
The best place to begin to rebuild is to understand how we got here and how many of the changes in the workplace actually began well before the pandemic. In this engaging seminar, Steve Cadigan, a global thought leader in the world of work and culture, will share his insights working with a diverse range of industries and organizations around the world. Steve will provoke your thinking and offer insights and examples of some bold moves and dynamic companies and how they are taking steps to approach the future of work with new strategies and perspectives that are yielding more satisfying outcomes for both employers and employees. You do not want to miss this session.

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