Creating a Global Remote Success Strategy

As a global, remote-first company, we believe that a distributed workforce can still be a connected one. Despite time zones, cultural differences, diverse working styles, and life circumstances, remote companies can foster a vibrant company culture and provide a sense of belonging and community to their teams. 

Companies around the world have rapidly transitioned to remote work, gaining a competitive advantage in the process. While remote-first offers many benefits, it can also pose unique challenges requiring strategic solutions.

In this session, Allie Kovalik, G-P's Senior Community and Culture Manager will explore what it takes to build a successful remote-first strategy, using real-world examples from G-P’s remote-first approach. Whether you are just starting to explore remote work or looking to optimize your current global remote operations, this session will provide valuable guidance and expertise regarding:

•    What it means to be a remote-first company, and why it is important
•    How to establish and maintain a sense of community and shared purpose when employees are distributed
•    How to ensure a flexible work policy that supports employees’ wellbeing and prevents burnout

Basic Course Information

Learning Objectives
Major Subjects