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Laura Middleton

Laura Middleton is the co-founder and CEO of HRCP, L.C., a leading provider of content for human resource certification preparation, recertification, and micro credentials. Laura holds two degrees from Brigham Young University: a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s in organizational behavior. Laura is a certified human resource professional and has worked as a business consultant and researcher. She is also an adjunct faculty member at her alma mater, teaching leadership and human resource classes. Laura volunteers in her community, church, and local government. She and her husband, Mike, are the parents of three children. Laura enjoys hiking and is an expert pumpkin carver. 

Product Type
On Demand

Five Ways to Improve Your Leadership Skills

Total Credits: 1 including 1 General

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Human Resource Development |  Leadership & Navigation
Laura Middleton
$39.00 - Webcast

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